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ESG, substainability, goh-migrants, migrants in taiwan, migrant caregivers, domestic caregivers, pregnant migrants and children, consultation, 1955 hotline, human trafficking victims, human rights, gender equality, inclusive, diversity, expats in taiwan, foreigners in taiwan, international students in taiwan, taiwanese new immigrants, 新住民, 移工, 外勞, 印尼外勞, 越南外勞, 國際學生, 看護工, 漁工, 人口販運被害人, 強迫勞動, 非法移工, illegal migrants, forces labor, labor rights, migrant workers rights

CSR Partnership

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an approach for businesses to engage with the community around them and do their part to make the world a better place. CSR is a strategy for demonstrating good faith, social legitimacy, and a commitment that goes beyond the financial bottom line.

Why is Corporate Social Responsibility Important?

Businesses are part of society; therefore, it is important for businesses to be socially responsible. This means having a positive impact on society through your business activities. In other way, CSR practices help boost employee morale as employees and employers gain a greater sense of purpose in their work. 

Why GOH-Migrants as CSR partner benefit you?

By collaborating with us can underscores the sincerity of your commitment to addressing social issues, and gain recognition and endorsement. You can experience a different perspective, insight on the cultural diversity and inclusion. The CSR initiatives aligns with your values and missions can significantly enhance brand image that a company is committed to doing the right thing, building trust and assuring stakeholders that the company values ethical integrity and social responsibility in all of its operations.

CSR Partner

Hiking, Xiangshan

Hiking, Xiangshan

See the Beauty of Taiwan

See the Beauty of Taiwan

CSR Partner

Hair Style Workshop

Hair Style Workshop

Dreamer's Stylist Academy

Dreamer's Stylist Academy

Xmas Giftaway

Xmas Giftaway

HAPPY DAY Amusement Park

HAPPY DAY Amusement Park

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