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goh-migrants, migrants in taiwan, migrant caregivers, domestic caregivers, pregnant migrants and children, consultation, 1955 hotline, human trafficking victims, human rights, gender equality, inclusive, diversity, expats in taiwan, foreigners in taiwan, international students in taiwan, taiwanese new immigrants, 新住民, 移工, 外勞, 印尼外勞, 越南外勞, 國際學生, 看護工, 漁工, 人口販運被害人, 強迫勞動, 非法移工, illegal migrants, forces labor, labor rights, migrant workers rights, 移工留才久用方案, retention of foreign intermediate skilled workforce, 期滿移工, 移工永居, migrants become permanent residents, skilled migrants, Perencanaan olahraga selama kehamilan, hamil, migran melahirkan, Tunjangan Persalinan, cedera kerja, UU Pelayanan Ketenagakerjaan, membesarkan anak, Masalah pengasuhan, Mencegah Kasus Penipuan

Safe Migration

  • Shelters for migrant workers,  pregnant foreigners and their infants

  • Consultation Hotline or General Enquiries for foreigners' rights and interests

  • One-Stop Service

  • Cultural Exchange Activities 

  • Workshops include foreigners rights, pregnancy rights and resources, life planning, focus group, stress relieving, practice on job interview etc.

We support the well-beings of migrants women and students by advancing their social, economic and cultural participation through our Empowerment Program, which aims to connect and empower them from a diversity of cultures through projects, workshops and partnerships. 

We run Facebook Fan Pages in 4 languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Chinese.

We also runs a Facebook Group to support migrant caregivers to share their expertise, learn and support each other. 

  • General consultation for foreigners, provide assistance and referral to relevant resources services

  • Care hotline for Migrant Workers in High-risk Workplaces

  • Consultation for direct-hiring migrant workers


Migrants Service Center,

the Garden of Hope


+886 (02) 89118595 Ext.# 508 Ms. Tzeng




1F., No.2-1, Shunan St.,

Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan

Wo_Space, Integrated Service Center for Migrant Women and Children 


+886 (03) 2522522






6F, No.17, Andong St.,

Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City

330014, Taiwan

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